Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Eye Saga 1

Monday, 8 February 2010

I have a praise to share.

After nearly 4-months of negotiating and navigating through the bureaucracy of the gov’t health care system called TRICARE, I finally have an appointment to meet an eye surgeon. This Tuesday afternoon I visit the surgeon to discuss what is next in the saga to fix my eyes. As you recall, I’m seeing double & triple with my right eye, which is my dominant one. I received PRK laser surgery 2-years ago on both eyes to correct my near-sightedness and developed scar tissue as a result. (My near-sightedness is fixed, which is a good thing. I fell into the 2-3% category, which have issues with scarring.) I’ve endured two corneal scrapes last year to remove the scar tissue, but still have issues. Pray for the doctor’s wisdom on recommending what the next step should be.

I Cor. 10:31

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